
Showing posts from February, 2020


Wall of Intramuros,  This is a historic walled area within the modern city of Manila, the Philippine capital.The term Intramuros applies to the fortified town established by the Spanish conqueror Miguel Lopez de Legazpi at the mouth of the Pasig River shortly after 1571. The ramparts were built in 1521. During an earthquake it was destroyed, and was never rebuilt.                                                                  SOURCE:                          fbid=191040735635623&set=pcb.191041405635556&type=3&theater Built in the 18th Century during the renovation of the riverside defenses, it opened to the river wharves. U.S., 1994. Bombing has completed the town's reduction to rubble. After World War II the site was cleared but reconstruction proceeded slowly. In 1951, it was declared a historic monument by Intramuros. Building the Walls of Intramuros was supposed to be the political and military foundation of the Spa


                                                        "TOGETHER IS WONDERFUL PLACE TO BE"        Family Day gives family members a chance to celebrate the meaning of being a family. It is a celebration in which it gives Family a chance to spend quality time with their loved ones by having fun. Last January 26, 2020, Asian College of Technology celebrates Family Day. It is the time where Asianista Families are having a fun time and bond time with each other.       The program contains a lot of activities like dance contest, tribal family and many more. We shared a lot of laughters together and interact with different families.       Having a time with family is not the only thing happened, having the teamwork within the batch or year is also there because there is a contest in which all of us really prepare.                                                                                           Bonding  is not just an  important  wor